Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Incarnate, crucified, risen, and ascended Christ, we thank you for this weekend of celebration…
Celebration weekend
Whoever you are, wherever you have come from, nau mai, haere mai ki tenei whare karakia…
Collect for the 6th Sunday in Easter
Alleluia, God Eternal; grace and wholeness show your glory…
Wilderness years
Ever-present God, we thank you for holding us as we have journeyed with you in these wilderness years…
Saints of Aotearoa
Jesus, Lord over all the earth, we thank you for the journey of the Gospel to Aotearoa…
Collect for the 4th Sunday in Easter
Alleluia, God Eternal, our guide and our protector, in troubles and uncertainty, lead us…
We’re on the move!
After some concern about delays, we are now confident about returning to St Mark’s Church at the end of this month…
Prince of Peace
May peacemaker, aid-workers, healers, and prophets be strengthened in their ministries…
Collect for the 3rd Sunday in Easter
Alleluia, God Eternal, Jesus restored disheartened friends at breakfast on the beach…
Collect for Patronal Sunday
Almighty God, by your grace John Mark rose above failure, and proved useful in your service…