Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Collect for Epiphany
Glorious God, all time is enfolded in you, and your Son reveals your glory…
May we find you in stillness and simplicity
In this season of excess, may we find you in stillness and simplicity…
Thanks from the Wardens
Thank you for the market, magazine, roster, baking, and the parish office
May joy be our default
Lord, saturate us with your joy. Let it radiate from us. May joy be our default…
Make us gracious and patient
Lord, amidst the hustle and bustle of end-of-year functions and Christmas shopping, help us to be still and remember this season’s primary call…
Church at the Traffic Lights
You will hopefully have seen in a separate communication that as of Sunday 5th Dec, we will be requiring a vaccine pass at all of our services…
May we know the love of God
With the Covid-19 Protection Framework soon to begin we pray for all those wrestling with complex decisions…
There are traffic lights ahead
What might worship look like under the new “traffic-light system?”